Space Between the Skies replaces the physical space of apexart with multiple virtual landscapes, either created from imagery collected at real world sites or from 3D constructed spaces. Hacked architectural and video game imagery, algorithmic collages, documentary footage of Wuhan, China, and dynamically enhanced audio/visual 360-degree responsive forest environments serve to transport the viewer beyond the limits of the physical gallery space.
By allowing viewers to occupy several environments simultaneously, these works experiment with cultivating multiple landscapes within the same physical space. Generated with 3D scanning technologies such as LIDAR/Photogrammetry, 3D modeling, and 360° recordings, these transposed landscapes question the supposed dichotomy between the real and the virtual.
Featuring work by:
Seth Cluett
John Craig Freeman
Ricky Graham
Christopher Manzione
Nicholas O’Brien
Rachel Rossin
Organized by:
Christopher Manzione
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