Panel Discussion and the Deformation of Figures for fEAT at Stony Brook University, October 15, 2016



Fiftieth Anniversary of E.A.T. Colloquium

Oct 13,  4:00pm Guerilla Girls The Artworld and Beyond  (Wang Center Theater)

Oct 14,  Colloquium: The Legacy of E.A.T.  (Humanities Institute)

11 am   Panel with select Musicians from Fifty years of Music and Technology, with: Phil Edelstein, Michelle Jaffe, Lauren Hayes, Izzi Ramkissoon, Troy Rogers, and Carla Scaletti. Dan Weymouth moderator

1 pm   Georgina Born:  Art/Music-Technology Interdisciplinarity: Perspectives from History and the Present. Respondents: Ben Tausig and Jacob Gaboury

2:30 pm  Panel with select artists from Resound, with: Seth Cluett, Jess Rowland, Sougwen Chung.  Lorraine Walsh moderator

4 pm  Jimena Canales Memories of a Great Affair: Art, Science & Conflict on April 6, 1922, Respondents: Brooke Belisle and Robert Crease

5 pm   Reception: Club Red, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics

Oct 27,  1 pm Andrew Sorenson: An Introduction to Live Coding: Applications Across Art & Science (Simons Center for Geometry and Physics Auditorium)

Fiftieth Anniversary of E.A.T. Concert

Oct 14,  8:00pm  Fifty years of Music and Technology, From Sin Waves to Robots (Staller Recital Hall).  Featuring: Seth Cluett, Michelle Jaffe and Phil Edelstein, Lauren Hayes, George Lewis, Izzi Ramkissoon, Troy Rogers, and Carla Scaletti