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  • space with sound

    exhibition catalog for Sound in Space: Annea Lockwood, Seth Cluett, Steve Peters, Steve Roden         2010, Space with Sound, Martin Gallery, Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA  

  • bypass issue 2

    bypass issue 2           “A Phatic Topography: Two Recent Works with Sound.” Bypass 2 (2010): 128-139.

  • fleeting and massive

    fleeting and massive [soundcloud][/soundcloud] forces: movement research at judson church, 24 people with hammers, rocks link for download: [mp3] score: [view pdf]

  • open space magazine issue 10

    open space magazine issue 10         “Le Corps est une Usine à Sons/The Body is a Sound Factory: Postlude to the Work of Henri Chopin (1922-2008).” The Open Space Magazine 10 (2008): 93-98.

  • tools of mind

    tools of mind         “Two Duos for Rubbing Stones on Stone (On a Poem by Giacinto Scelsi).” In Tools of Mind, edited by Matthew Marble, 17. Portland: FO(A)RM, 2007.

  • leonardo music journal issue16

    leonardo music journal issue16         “Toward a Post-Phenomenology of Extra-Musical Sound as Compositional Determinant.” Leonardo Music Journal 16 (2006): 42.

  • palmetto (with robert kushner)

  • foArm issue 4

    foArm issue 4         “waterfall.” FO(A)RM 4 (2005): cover.

  • 306090 issue 6

    306090 issue 6           “A Dance About Emptiness.” 306090 06 (2004): 182.

  • earshot issue 3

    earshot issue 3           “Silent Building, Silent Mind: Essays on Sound and Architecture.” Earshot 4 (2003): 5-6.

  • Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 110/2692

    Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 110/2692         with Curtis Bahn. “Interactions among acoustics, digital signal processing, and movement,” Proceedings of the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 108 (2000): 2538.

  • Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 108/2538

    Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 108/2538         with Scott Smallwood. “The Integration of computer-generated sounds and acoustic sources during live electro-acoustic improvisation” Proceedings of the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 110 (2001): 2692.