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  • eccentricity walking from scores

    Eccentricity in Walking from Scores opening July 9 at CIVA Brussels

    A collection of text and graphic scores to be used while walking ‘Walking from Scores’ is a collection of hundred verbal and graphic scores by artists, collectives, and composers on walking, listening and sound production in urban space. The project explores the relationship between the aesthetic sphere and the everyday, the dynamics of sound and…

  • digital image of laurie spiegel

    Laurie Spiegel’s A Harmonic Algorithm Presented by Seth Cluett + Conversation with Tara Rodgers

    STREAM [ HERE ] Thursday, September 10th at 8pm, ISSUE streams a 360 degree video presentation of electronic music pioneer Laurie Spiegel’s piece A Harmonic Algorithm 2011 coordinated in collaboration with composer and artist Seth Cluett. A work first created through a computer algorithm coded by Spiegel, the piece is spatialized at ISSUE’s 22 Boerum theater by Cluett, Artist-in-Residence at NOKIA…

  • new performance work at 601 Artspace

    Please join us for a special event in conjunction with our current exhibition, Every day is another day: nothing to see/hear Friday Nov. 8th, 6:30pm601Artspace, 88 Eldridge Street, NYC Composer and visual artist Seth Cluett will perform nothing to see/hear, a sound work using everyday objects, field recordings, and home-made foley instruments. Measured performance gestures will create live foley sounds that blend…

  • Joining Composers Inside Electronics for Cunningham’s Tread with the Petronio Company

    “There’s a visceral thrill to Stephen Petronio’s choreography that is unlike anything offered by other contemporary choreographers.” — The New York Times Stephen Petronio Company presents its most ambitious season of Bloodlines, a five-year autobiographical project that honors the lineage of American postmodern dance, but also traces the influences and impulses that have shaped choreographer Stephen…

  • new drawing collaboration with Samson Young opening at CAAC 456 Gallery, NYC 12/15

    Infinite Narratives An exhibition by the Tomato Grey artist collective With 6 artistic collaborators Details of the event Opening reception: December 15th, 2017, 6:00 – 8:00 pm Exhibition date: December 15th, 2017 – January 5th, 2018 Chinese American Arts Council/Gallery 456, 456 Broadway, New York, New York 10013 Tel: 212.431.9740  

  • virtual reality installation ‘world and place evaporating’ with chris manzione at Virtualities & Realities at kim? Art Center in Riga, Latvia

    Virtualities and Realities RIXC ART SCIENCE FESTIVAL EXHIBITIONS The contemporary digital art exhibitions of this year’s RIXC Festival 2017 are introducing new immersive experiences, whereby exploring complex relations between the “virtualities” and “realities” in our post-media society with its networked communities and migrating cultures. The main festival exhibition shows 25 artworks that experiment with augmented…

  • new work premiered by Christin Schillinger for solo bassoon and 3d printed loudspeaker extension at New Music Gathering 2017

    New Music Gathering is an annual three-day conference dedicated to the performance, production, promotion, support and creation of new concert music.  Taking place on May 11-13, 2017 at Bowling Green State University, the focus of New Music Gathering 2017 will be on “Support.” The conference appropriately features percussionist, conductor, and author Steven Schick as our keynote speaker—who,…

  • Solo performance in Vienna at Alte Schmiede Kunstverein 3/17 at 7pm

    Click [ HERE ] for more info. SETH CLUETT, TOBIAS LEIBETSEDER & ASTRID SCHWARZ SETH CLUETT (Elektronik und verstärkte Objekte): Resonant Spaces • TOBIAS LEIBETSEDER & ASTRID SCHWARZ (Klangerzeuger, Live-Elektronik): Tobias Leibetseder Fugen Licht Gebirge, Leibetseder & Schwarz Steel Girls, Astrid Schwarz Ice book No.1 Der amerikanische Klangkünstler und Komponist Seth Cluett ist als Künstler…

  • To Notice and Remember in NEW REALITIES exhibition in Istanbul curated by Moving Image 9/22-9/25

    NEW REALITIES Opening reception: Thursday, September 22, 18:00-20:00 Exhibition dates: Sept 23, 24 and 25, 2016 Opening Hours: Friday and Saturday, 13:00-21:00; Sunday 11:00-19:00 Alt Art Space hosts Moving Image Immersive Media’s special exhibition New Realities, featuring an international group of artists creating works in virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), referred to together…

  • West Coast events 4/5-4/11

                      I’m headed out West for some concerts and talks, follow the links for details for each event: 4/5 – Solo and with Tim Perkis Center for New Music, San Francisco 4/6 – Colloquium at CCRMA at Stanford 4/8 – Solo at Volume Projects at South of Sunset,…

  • psychoacoustics

    inward turning histories created for the – Sonic Research: Psychoacoustics events during the Allgold residency at MoMA/PS1 forces: solo laptop, subwoofers, 6-channel sound duration: 25′ year: 2015 Read review of initial performance in SciArt in America: [ here ] [soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=true&show_comments=false&show_user=false&show_reposts=false&visual=false&show_artwork=false&show_playcount=false&download=false&sharing=false” width=”100%” height=”100″ iframe=”true” /]

  • review of Persistence of Traces exhibition in Studio International

                          “The Persistence of Traces includes stand-alone pieces, projection, sound and drawing, and, although the work is fixed in place, a sense of the ephemeral fills the space. Cluett’s work is fleeting yet satisfying. The stripped-back audio is like catching a passing scent of blossom…